Happiness Comes in Many Shapes and Sizes

Music: Concerto for 2 Oboes in F Major Op9 no3, 2 Adagio.
By Tomaso Albinoni. Performed by the Advent Orchestra at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution - Share Alike license.

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Father's Day


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Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Happiness comes in many shapes and sizes.
Anyone can find a proper fit.
Praised be those who take life bit by bit,
Poised to polish setbacks and surprises.
Yet life is always more than one surmises.
Fortune favors those who favor it,
And whether caused by choice, chance, whim, or writ,
Turns out to be a text that one revises.
How might you, childless, celebrate this day,
Enjoying what will never be your own,
Reminded of a loss you might regret
'Mid families out to pay their homage due?
So may you cherish children on your way,
Delighting in the ones you have on loan,
And do with love and art the things that let
You father what is beautiful and true.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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