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Cruise to



All poems: copyright
by Nicholas Gordon

To see my poems, click on Poems for Free.

If you would like to read or buy my poetry or fiction in book form, click on Bookstore. As in any bookstore, you can either buy or just browse.

If you would like me to send you one of my poems each week free, click on Poem of the Week.

If you would like to read my fiction, click on Stories for Free.

If you would like to read my Cruise to Nowhere Tales, a modern adaptation of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, click on Cruise to Nowhere Tales.

If you would like to read my biography of Edward Coles, click on Edward Coles.

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There are over 2000 poems here, many of which are holiday poems or poems for special occasions, free to use for any personal or non-commercial purpose. Please also feel free to modify poems (such as changing names, hair or eye color, sex or number) to suit your needs. All poems: copyright by Nicholas Gordon.

Personal and non-commercial use of my poetry is free, and you may freely distribute my poetry, post my poems on a web site, publish my poems in a newsletter, etc., provided that you identify me as the author. If you intend to sell my poetry as, for example, gift books, cards, framed or unframed posters, etc., you must let me know. I retain the copyright on all of my poetry and all residual rights.

Plagiarizing my poetry is strictly forbidden. If you use or distribute my poems, you must identify me as the author. If you modify my poems to suit your needs, you should add after my name: "modified by (your name)."

Please direct all email correspondence to webmaster@poemsforfree.com. Please direct all correspondence by mail to Nicholas Gordon, P.O. Box 3043, Fort Lee, NJ 07024.

This page is being constantly updated with new poems, so please check back. And don't forget to bookmark my page before you click off to somewhere else!

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