You finally found each other
Searching hard for love.
In this uncertain world you've come
To one you're certain of.
How can you know the someone whom
You'll cherish throughout life?
What indices identify
A husband or a wife?
Sometimes there's a gravity:
Sudden, fierce, obsessed;
As if you're falling towards some star,
By its strong pull possessed.
Or sometimes there's a childhood
Of unselfconscious grace
Sustained within the safety zone
Of mutual embrace.
Sometimes there's the terror of
The searing pain of grief,
As if the loss of love were death:
Sheer scream without relief.
Or there's a sense of
Too precious to be lost:
A gift of all that makes life good,
Beyond constraint or cost.
Whatever signs you read, they all
Point in the same direction:
The self that lies beyond the self
In love and shared affection.
True love lies far beyond the
Yet you must choose to love:
Each day to put aside the self
And with the angels move. Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.