When I Was Young, I Thought that I Would Be

Music: Fugue in b minor.
By G. F. Handel. Sequencer unknown, at Kunst der Fuge.

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Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

When I was young, I thought that I would be
Blessed in everything I tried to do.
I thought my dreams would probably come true.
The center of my universe was me.
Ah! How beautiful it is to see
Such thoughts lie on the grass like heavy dew!
How rich the scent of all that makes life new,
Each coming to the truth eventually.
Now over forty, I have had the grace
To turn and see my shadow on the earth,
And know that at the heart of me is death.
No longer at the helm, I can embrace
The mystery that brought my soul to birth,
And savor the sweet silence in each breath.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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