To Our Loved One Far Away

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Video Music:
The Scent of Cedars.
By Philipp Weigl.
Performed by Philipp Weigl
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution License.

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Nicholas Gordon

To our loved one far away,
Whose strength and years this war devours,
Whose sacrifice is also ours,
For whose return we daily pray: Rest assured your home awaits,
Your cheering squad, your loyal fans,
The mouseketeers who share your plans,
Your dreams, your tears, your gifts, your fate. We are the circle of your love,
The wagons 'round your willing heart
That keep despair and faith apart
And move in spirit where you move. There is no limit to our pride
In who you are and what you do.
All our fortunes rest with you
Across a desert bleak and wide.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: The Scent of Cedars. By Philipp Weigl. Performed by Philipp Weigl
at the Free Music Archive under an Attribution License.

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