The pursed lips that pursue a vagrant thought,
The twinkle that accompanies a smile --
Ripples in a stream by sunlight caught
Gleaming on your child's face unsought,
Bits of turbulence drowned boulders rile.
The pursed lips that pursue a vagrant thought,
The playful love of irony that's wrought
By centuries, millennia of style --
Ripples in a stream by sunlight caught
As generations flow through lifetimes fraught
With rocks and tree limbs, rippling all the while.
The pursed lips that pursue a vagrant thought,
Passed on and on through love, are not for naught,
But deeply bond the parent to the child,
Ripples in a stream by sunlight caught,
Dear reiterations dearly bought,
Yet calculated to one's heart beguile.
The pursed lips that pursue a vagrant thought --
Ripples in a stream by sunlight caught.
Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.
Audio and Video Music: Frozen in Love. By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.