Song for Psalm 114: A Prayer for a Child Born in America

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Audio and Video Music:
By Aakash Gandhi.
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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Lord, give me a child,
An American child,
Born in the land of the free!
Whose life will be long,
And whose spirit is strong,
Full of power and dignity!

Lord, give me a child,
An American child,
Who'll always have plenty to eat.
Whose only concern
Will be how much to learn,
And who'll have all the world at his feet.

For the heart is aflutter
At meat, eggs, and butter,
And a table that groans with delight.
And the heart is amazed
At a mind that's unfazed,
That is free to choose what it thinks right.

Lord, give me a child,
An American child,
Whose reality will be my dream.
Of the unsculpted dust
Of my love and my lust,
Make a life that my life will redeem.

For the world knows the way
To a much brighter day,
But it isn't that easy to make it.
If not granted by birth,
From the ends of the earth
We will crawl on our bellies to take it!

Lord, give me a child,
An American child,
Safe behind mountains of laws.
In the fullness of time
This joy will be mine,
And the glory, the glory all Yours!

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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