Shake Up the World! It Could Use Some Shaking

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Audio and Video Music: Chariots of War. By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Shake up the world! It could use some shaking.
Every moment waits for your commands.
Voices were created to be heard;
Enduring wrong politely is absurd;
Nor can one hope for change without demands.
There is no justice simply for the taking,
Yet some would silent raise their righteous hands. The birthplace of the whirlwind is the word,
Wind that shapes the contours of the land,
One wind of many wills, the world remaking.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Audio and Video Music: Chariots of War. By Aakash Gandhi.
Music free to use at YouTube.

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