Obligations Open Many Doors
Music: Lord Franklin. Subscribe to this site on Substack
Sequenced by Barry Taylor.
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Obligations open many doors. No joy is long sustained without some vows. Years of passion sweep up many shores; On love's soft strand life fewer waves allows. Up to now you've looked, but now you've found, Relying on your hearts to tell you when. Each moment that your loved one's not around Now creates a sweet, sad, wistful yen. Go then together toward the nuptial gate, Alight with all the hope of your desire. Gifts are often engines of our fate, Eclipsing undue caution with their fire. May you long be blessed with fulfilled need, Each from inner isolation freed; Nor may that need diminish, even though The love and joy you feel now overflow. Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.
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