Now, at Last, the Time of Reckoning

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Video Music: Bewitched Hell.
By Damiano Baldoni.
Performed by Damiano Baldoni
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution license.

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Now, at last, the time of reckoning.
It had to come. You knew that, didn't you?
After all, nothing can't be something
Even when its stock is on the rise. Now the panic after the delusion,
The great big yawning pit within the heart.
One sees disaster happening and wonders,
Regrets, resolves, recriminates, sits tight. O Lord, what will happen now? The hunger,
People on the streets and on the move.
The last depression blossomed into Hitler.
What flowers will this rain of terror bring? One thing now we know for sure -- again:
That greed unfettered is a luxury car
Without a steering wheel, a mighty engine
That moves us forward into death and pain.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: Bewitched Hell. By Damiano Baldoni. Performed by Damiano Baldoni
at the Free Music Archive under an Attribution license.

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