I Would Not Sink My Teeth into Your Heart

Music: Black Hill -- Flood.
By Cousin Silas.
Performed by Cousin Silas at Free Music Archive
under a Creative Commons: Attribution-NonCommercial license.

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

I would not sink my teeth into your heart
Nor leave you in your naked need alone.
But I give you fair warning 'ere we start That I'll pursue your love with all my art,
Then thrust my hatred in you, bone to bone.
I would not sink my teeth into your heart And drag you off to ravish like some tart
Whose body will disgust me when I'm done.
But I give you fair warning 'ere we start That I will rip your rhapsodies apart
And turn your sweet illusions into stone.
I would not sink my teeth into your heart. Instead, I'll share with you the funeral cart
That slowly takes our love to its last home.
But I give you fair warning 'ere we start As you attempt our harmonies to chart:
I will not for one agony atone.
I would not sink my teeth into your heart,
But I give you fair warning 'ere we start.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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