I'm Far Too Shy to Tell You that I Love You

Music: lilac.
by Pianochocolate. Performed by Pianochocolate at the Free Music Archive
under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives license.

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Valentine's Day

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

I'm far too shy to tell you that I love you
And far too young to know if it is true.
I only know I'm always thinking of you
And hoping that you're thinking of me, too. My feelings are a wave that has no shore,
Reaching, reaching for what's never there.
All I am is yearning, yet what for
Is far too frightening for me to dare. But this day of love might be a chance
To see what kind of fortune might be mine.
And so I take a plunge into romance
And ask you: Will you be my valentine?

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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