If Reason Is the Word, Faith's the Music

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Video Music:
Maio Maduro Maio.
By Lovira.
Performed by Lovira
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution-ShareAlike

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Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

If reason is the word, faith's the music.
One yields sanity; the other, grace,
Allowing those who have the heart to choose it
To dance through life with Being face to face. One need not, of course, turn on the music.
Words alone are not devoid of grace.
For cool-eyed skeptics who choose not to choose it,
Faith paints on the void a dancer's face. Can one, ought one do without the music?
Does not silence yield a deeper grace?
Still, the song's so beautiful some choose it,
A truth one need not doubt or fear to face.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: Maio Maduro Maio. By Lovira. Performed by Lovira
at the Free Music Archive under an Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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