< If I Had Married You Instead of Her

If I Had Married You Instead of Her

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Audio and Video Music:
Mysterious Sorrows.
By Aakash Gandhi.
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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

If I had married you instead of her,
I would not now be seething with regret,
Trapped by children, choked by dreams that were
My hopes before my life turned desolate. I would not now be seething with regret
For having married more for lust than love.
My hopes before my life turned desolate
Now live but in the darkness where you move. For having married more for lust than love,
I'm punished with a wife whom I despise.
I live but in the darkness where you move,
My hopes reflected in your azure eyes. I'm punished with a wife whom I despise,
Trapped by children, choked by dreams that were
My hopes. Reflected in your azure eyes,
If I had married you instead of her.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Audio and Video Music: Mysterious Sorrows.
By Aakash Gandhi. Music free to use at YouTube.

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