I Am Afraid to Love, and yet I Love You

Music: Like Starlight Through a Veil.
By Philipp Weigl.
Performed by Philipp Weigl at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution License.

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Love Poems

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

I am afraid to love, and yet I love you.
My fear is like a wall I walk right through.
The wall is there, and yet it doesn't stop me.
I need it still, and yet I still need you. I know someday we will be in a field
Surrounded by the blessing of the sky.
I'll dance with all the freedom of pure joy,
Needing you without a reason why. But now I'm still afraid that I might lose you,
That you might not accept my desperate need.
You make me laugh and cry and be completely.
You are the flower, I the slender reed.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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