Go Gently, Gently into That Good Night
A Play on "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas

Music: Fugue in F# Major.
By Dimitri Shostakovich. Sequenced by J. Marques.

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Go gently, gently into that good night.
Let the sunset crown the end of day.
Do not rage against the dying light. Wise men at their end know dark is right,
Life and death one blessing, and so they
Go gently, gently into that good night. Good men, looking back upon the bright
Dream that kept their inner brute at bay,
Do not rage against the dying light. Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
Then grieved it as they danced along its way,
Go gently, gently into that good night. Grave men blessed by love with blinding sight,
Knowing too much beauty to be gay,
Do not rage against the dying light. And you, dear reader, when you reach that height
And look down on the abyss with fear, I pray,
Go gently, gently into that good night.
Do not rage against the dying light.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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