Gifts come in many
shapes and guises:
Apples meant to nurture seeds
Wind up in many strange disguises,
Ministering to other needs.
When a soul comes into
Hope anew springs from the Earth:
No one has the gift of seeing
What new gift comes with each
What brings a young girl
savage pain
Can bring joy to a man and wife:
One cannot weigh the loss or gain,
But one can always treasure life.
Life's a gift beyond
what we
Can know or understand or say:
There's a nonstop ecstasy
Beneath the hum of every day.
There's a love so
That nothing can escape its glow,
Luminous and magical,
Everywhere we are or go.
And so we take this gift of
A little piece of it, new-born,
And feel some lovely fortune move
Within us towards eternal dawn.
Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.
Video and Audio Music: Please. By Wayne Jones. Music free to use at YouTube.