Feelings Are Not Easily Counterfeited

Music: Concerto for 2 Oboes in F Major Op9 no3, 2 Adagio.
By Tomaso Albinoni. Performed by the Advent Orchestra at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution - Share Alike license.

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Nicholas Gordon

Feelings are not easily counterfeited.
In each there is a telltale watermark.
Faces may emote, the tense brows knitted,
The eyes and anguish may be finely fitted,
Yet audiences sense the missing spark. The trick is not to be, but to become,
Here within a moment yet to be.
Remember that the whole is not the sum.
Each soul has depths no character can plumb;
Each word's a window onto mystery.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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