Faith Is What One Cannot Know

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Audio and Video Music:
By Wayne Jones.
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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Faith is what one cannot know,
But one decides is true,
As though one looked out on a wall
And painted on a view. One knows the provenance of one's
Belief, but truth is more
Than stating with some certainty
What stands outside one's door. Truth has many voices
That speak to mind and heart
In many languages derived
From science, myth, or art. Faith is just one inner voice
That sings in harmony
With what the mind can comprehend
And what the eye can see. And if one feels God's presence where
No proof can find its way,
Yes, that is real, as real as grass,
And true in its own way.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Audio and Video Music: Elegy.
By Wayne Jones. Music free to use at YouTube.

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