Everyone Loves Christmas

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Video Music:
for Two Bassoons.
By Eugene Bozza.
Performed by
Grossman, Ewell, Grainger
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution-


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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Everyone loves Christmas,
Even flies and fleas,
Even seals and snakes and snails,
Beavers, bats, and bees. Elephants love Christmas,
And hamsters, horses, hares,
Penguins, parrots, porpoises,
Belugas, bedbugs, bears. Don't you just love Christmas?
All the world's at peace.
Wolves lie down with walruses
While goats give gifts to geese.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: Duettino for Two Bassoons. By Eugene Bozza.
Performed by Grossman, Ewell, Grainger at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution-ShareAlike license.

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