Clear Away the Cobwebs of Convention

Music: Concerto for Organ and Orchestra Op7 no1 mvt2.
George Frideric Handel.
Performed by The Advent Chamber Orchestra at the Free Music Archive
under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike license.

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Nicholas Gordon

Clear away the cobwebs of convention!
Atonement's not as simple as it seems.
A deed, once done, is stone, beyond redemption,
More absolute than anyone might dream. Oh, yes, one still should pray to be forgiven,
And try with all one's love to make things right.
But what one does, by faith or passion driven,
Becomes a stela in the morning light. The past cannot be changed - it is forever,
Eternally defining who one is.
Time may seem as fluid as a river,
But once past, is a graveyard sunk in mist.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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