Seven Years! That's Not So Long

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Video Music:
The Lake.
By Jahzzar.
Performed by Jahzzar
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution-ShareAlike

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Birthday Poems

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Seven years! That's not so long.
Just the right time for a song.
A happy Happy Birthday song!
If you like it, sing along! Seven years! Imagine that!
Forty-nine, if you're a cat.
Good thing that you're not a cat!
You'd be middle-aged! Imagine that! Seven years! A long, long time!
But nowhere near as long as mine!
Each year is precious. I like mine,
Grateful for the gift of time.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: The Lake. By Jahzzar. Performed by Jahzzar
at the Free Music Archive under an Attribution-ShareAlike

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