Veer Off into the Sunset When You're Done!

Hear me read
the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem as
an MP4 file.

Video Music: Allégro.
By Emmit Fenn.
Music free to use at YouTube

Veer off into the sunset when you're done,
Embracing ordinary life again.
There is no better antidote for pain.
Each normal day's another battle won.
Remembering is good, reliving bad,
As what one buries tends to haunt the night,
Nor will it rest until it's bathed in light,
Soaked in tears, and then in clear words clad.
Do not relive the past, but honor it.
As you move on, let go, but don't forget.
You lay your wreathes to music, sweet but sad.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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