To Say You Are My World Means

Hear me read
the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem as
a YouTube video.

Video Music: The Scent of Cedars.
By Philipp Weigl.
Performed by Philipp Weigl
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution license.

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Love Poems

About This

Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

To say you are my world means:
That when I look at the sky
I see your face,
And when I pause alone at the window
I feel your hands on my back.

It means:
That the beauty of a garden
Is half in the words I think to you;
That winter is my fear of losing you,
And that spring is the hope I never will.

It means:
That I have taken the risk of wrapping my life
So completely around yours
That the beauty of a late summer evening is
Inseparable from the beauty of our love.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: The Scent of Cedars. By Philipp Weigl. Performed by Philipp Weigl
at the Free Music Archive under an Attribution license.

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