There Is No Lasting Love Without Compassion

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Audio and Video Music:
Just Stay.
By Aakash Gandhi.
Music free to use
at YouTube.

There is no lasting love without compassion,
Requisite for generosity,
As all good lovers know they ought to be:
Caring partners even in their passion.
Yet some might view their spouse as a possession,
Judging them as a commodity,
One that fits, or not, some fantasy,
Here to serve some self-absorbed obsession.
No marriage can succeed without both lovers,
As each must give far more than they will get
To get far more than they might ever give.
How else might lovers reach, beyond all others,
A greater whole, beyond joy or regret,
Not least beyond self, as we were meant to live.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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