There Is No Knowledge -- Only Good Opinion

Hear me read
the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem as
a YouTube video.

Audio and Video Music:
Beneath the Moonlight.
By Aaron Kenny.
Music free to use
at YouTube.

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Lunar New
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About This

Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

There is no knowledge – only good opinion.
Happiness is not afraid of pain.
Each truth is limited to its dominion.
Years sweep away one's walls again, again.
Everyone knows better in their hearts,
Although their hearts know better than to know.
Reason is a razor's edge that parts
Objects from the fullness of their flow.
Fortune is a poor excuse for failure.
The only help one needs is what one gives.
Hard work and happiness extend one's tenure,
Ever more alive the more one lives.
Death is a prerequisite of time,
Revealing far more than it ever hides.
All is limitless, yet etched in lines,
Graven images of what abides.
One dragon, yes, can harmonize a song,
Needing only dreams to sing along.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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