A Heron Stands on Top of a Birdhouse in the Middle of a Marsh
An Animal Story by Nicholas Gordon

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The sun warms the right.

Two ducks enter the thicket behind.

Red, yellow, and green leaves are in the water.

There are no clouds.

There is a breeze.

The leaves quiver.

The lily pads flap.

The breeze stops.

There are people at the far end of the marsh.

Two ducks enter the marsh in the open water on the left.

A school of minnows swarms in front.

They kiss the waterline, mouths open.

Concentric rings expand and overlap.

Red, yellow, and green leaves rock in the ripples.

The neck stretches, is pulled back.

The ducks in the thicket behind flip tails up, heads down into the water.

The people leave.

There is a wind.

The leaves quake.

The lily pads flap.

The water shimmers.

There are no clouds.

A turtle swims behind.

The wind stops.

Red, yellow, and green leaves are in the water.

A frog on a lily pad in front hops into the water.

There is a splash.

A turkey vulture appears, circling over the marsh.

The sun warms the right.

There is a breeze.

The leaves quiver.

The lily pads flap.

Two ducks enter the marsh in the open water on the left.

One chases another.

There is splashing and quacking.

There is quiet.

The breeze stops.

The turkey vulture leaves.

The turtle circles the birdhouse.

Five geese walk along the shore of the marsh to the left.

The neck stretches, is pulled back.

Red, yellow, and green leaves are in the water.

There are no clouds.

Two turkey vultures appear, circling the marsh.

The geese eat grass at the edge of the marsh.

A red-tailed hawk appears, circling the marsh.

The sun warms the top.

There are people at the far end of the marsh.

A duck climbs up on top of a rock to the right.

The turtle hangs in the water in front, eyes and nostrils above the waterline.

A frog is on the lily pad to the left.

Two ducks at the far end of the marsh swim into the thicket.

There is a wind.

The leaves quake.

The lily pads flap.

The water shimmers.

The turkey vultures leave.

The red-tailed hawk circles.

The people leave.

The wind stops.

The minnows kiss the waterline, mouths open.

Concentric rings expand and overlap.

Red, yellow, and green leaves rock in the ripples.

A blue dragonfly darts across the lilies in front.

It darts and hangs, darts and hangs.

The sun warms the top.

The frog on the lily pad to the left flicks its tongue.

The geese take off together, honking.

They fly across the marsh, then over the trees.

A striped bass breaks the water.

Red, yellow, and green leaves rock in the ripples.

There are no clouds.

There are people at the far end of the marsh.

The neck stretches, pulls back.

The turtle dives.

Three turkey vultures circle the marsh.

Bugs walk on water.

A squirrel on a limb behind chatters.

There is a breeze.

The leaves quiver.

The lily pads flap.

The sun warms the left.

The breeze stops.

Red, yellow, and green leaves are in the water.

There are no clouds.

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Nicholas Gordon, P.O. Box 3043, Fort Lee, NJ 07024.

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