Blessings Are Precisely Everyday

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Blessings are precisely everyday.
One cannot count them - life's too short for that.
Nor can one always see life as a gift,
Nor heal with gratitude the painful rift
Inherent in a death that birth begat.
Each on her own must griefs with blessings weigh.

Light lights with happiness the darkest way.
It sings with joy and gladness every day,
Light that somehow darkness once begat --
It sprang from nothingness, imagine that!
There is between the light and dark no rift.
Here is all - all equally a gift.

Grief, like joy and gladness, is a gift,
A part of life one can't remove and weigh
By itself, as though there were a rift
Rough-hewn between the cliffs of night and day,
In between the good and evil that
Eternally divide what light begat.
Look, though, look at what the light begat!
Knowing music, an undivided gift
Embracing joy and sorrow, a beauty that
Needs both to wring one's heart out on its way.
Night melts in glory to and from the day,
A modulation rather than a rift.

So it is with sun and shadow: No rift
Exists between the two that light begat,
The night no less a child of light than day,
Half of one rich, multi-layered gift,
& of the joy with sorrow one must weigh.
Earth spins through light and shadow, an image that --
Lending itself to metaphor -- that
Is of mere rotation, not of rift.
Zen-like, we know there are no parts to weigh,
As grief and sorrow are by love begat.

Eight days the oil lasted, each a gift
Lighting up the heart both night and day.
Let ordinary days be just like that,
Each equally a gift. There is no rift --
No lesser God begat the everyday.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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