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Hear me read
the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem as
a YouTube video.

Video Music:
When It Rains, Part 2.
By Peter Rudenko.
Performed by
Peter Rudenko
at the Free Music Archive
under an Attribution

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Number Poems


About This

Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Sixty-six is happily retired,
Immersed in interests she has long enjoyed.
X-ray well her will and you will find
That none of its resolve has been destroyed.
Yet now a bit less shuffling is required. So has her leisure left her spirit buoyed,
In labor lost, but of a different kind,
Xerophyte in bloom, by grace inspired.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video Music: When It Rains, Part 2. By Peter Rudenko. Performed by
Peter Rudenko at the Free Music Archive under an Attribution license.

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