Fifty Years Have Passed. Fifty Years!

Hear me read
the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem
as a YouTube video.

Audio and Video Music:
E Minor Prelude.
By Frederic Chopin.
Music free to use
at YouTube.

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Memorial Day


About This

Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Fifty years have passed. Fifty years!
More than half my eighty years ago!
I weep with grief, with wonder, silent tears.

Equally, the pain and beauty sear
My heart -- I can't let either go.
Fifty years have passed. Fifty years!

Time cuts through my heart with ruthless shears.
There's so much of my life you'll never know!
I weep with grief, with wonder, silent tears.

I had a second husband, a career,
Three children, seven grandchildren, and so
Fifty years have passed. Fifty years!

About which you know nothing. No one hears
My cries, has ever shared my private woe.
I weep with grief, with wonder, silent tears.

Alone, both husbands gone, my memory clears.
I'm with you once again, my love, although
Fifty years have passed. Fifty years!
I weep with grief, with wonder, silent tears.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

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