Forty-Five Is Wiser than Before

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the poem as
an MP3 file.

Watch me read
the poem as
a YouTube video.

Video and Audio Music:
Touching Moment.
By Wayne Jones.
Music free to use
at YouTube.

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Poems for

Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Forty-five is wiser than before,
Old enough, perhaps, to know himself.
Reason needs experience to see
That truth is far more likely "and" than "or."
Yet most prefer their options off the shelf. For it's not easy to traverse the gulf
In between the will and what must be.
Vast though it may seem, eventually
Each humbled soul succumbs to love and awe.

Copyright by Nicholas Gordon. Free for personal or non-commercial use.

Video and Audio Music: Touching Moment.
By Wayne Jones. Music free to use at YouTube.

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