Singing at the Center of Your Soul

Music: Volte.
By Michael Praetorius.
Sequenced by Curtis Clark at
The Internet Renaissance Band.

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Teen Poems

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Copyright by
Nicholas Gordon

Singing at the center of your soul,
Long may you dance across your inner stage,
Regarding neither rectitude nor rage,
Pursuing neither destiny nor goal.

Suffering is nothing but the road:
You, the traveler, are sheer delight,
A little wisp of lovely, lilting light
Torn from a joy that pain cannot corrode.

Be, then, whatever person time will tell.
Do what reason and the heart deem good.
Take whatever will or fortune would,
Always west of heaven, east of hell.

Within, you are more beautiful than you
Can ever comprehend, though you can feel
A wonder and a passion that are real,
Wandering like a wind through what you do.

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